Autism Conference with Dr. Temple Grandin and other International Speakers
At this 2021 Autism ONLINE Conference, Thriving With Autism with Dr. Temple Grandin and other international experts in autism, our goal is to support you as a professional with practical strategies, helpful tools and actionable insights to help you, your work and the autistic individuals you support.
À la conférence sur l’autisme en ligne de cette année : L’ autisme : Beyond Comportements, Dr. Temple Grandin partagera des stratégies pratiques et des idées pratiques sur :
✅ Pourquoi une surcharge sensorielle peut-elle provoquer de l’anxiété et des comportements préoccupants ?
✅ Quelle est l’importance d’une communication efficace pour reconnaître et désescalader les déclencheurs de comportements préoccupants ?
✅ Comment un comportement ne se produit jamais dans un vide ?
✅ Quelle est la fonction des comportements préoccupants ?
✅ Les facteurs qui influencent la fréquence et l’intensité des comportements ?
✅ Quand utiliser une approche comportementale et une approche sensorielle ?
✅ Quelle est l’importance d’une relation de confiance avec les personnes qui soutiennent les individus sur le spectre de l’autisme ?
✅ Quel est le meilleur moyen de soutenir l’anxiété d’un individu ?
✅ Comment mesurer le succès d’une intervention ?
✅ Comment, en tant que parents et professionnels, nous pouvons soutenir un individu face au changement ?
Et bien d’autres….
At this year’s online conference you’ll learn:
✓ The Impacts of Inclusive Sensory-Perceptual Problems Faced By Autistic Individuals
✓ Practical Strategies And Interventions To Support Individuals Overcome Sensory-Perceptual Difficulties
✓ How Inclusive Environments Support Autistic Individuals To Live Well By Minimising Anxiety, Stress And Distress
✓ How Supporting Autistic Individuals Using Their Strengths And Interests Maximises Their Wellbeing
✓ How To Work Out What Strategies To Choose To Support Individuals
✓ How To Create Engagement Through Interest-based Learning And An Inclusive Environment
✓ Why ‘Challenging’ Or Distressed Behaviour Occurs
✓ How To Reduce Your Own Stress And Move Away From A Crisis Situation
✓ How To Know When Miscommunication Is The Source Of Misunderstanding, Conflict And Distress, And What To Do About It
✓ Practical Ways To Be Able To Reduce “Challenging” Behaviours In A Safe Way
✓ Practical Strategies To Help Autistic People And Their Families Reduce Stress
✓ How To Align Your Style Of Communication To Fit Someone Else With A Different Neurotype
✓ How To Reduce Sensory Overload For Autistic Individuals
And Much More..
If you feel these could help you support people on the autism spectrum, join this year’s CPD/CEU Accredited Online Autism Conference, Thriving With Autism.
You’ll learn strategies and interventions to support your work and make a difference in the lives of autistic individuals.
This conference is CPD/CEU Accredited for Professionals.
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